Monday, February 9, 2015


1. a poem or phrase which typeface or handwriting that is created in a visual way.

1. dog
2. ant

2. Pictogram- pictorial resemblance to a physical object

1. Pilots/ Assistant
2. Security
3. Baggage Claim
4. Picking up bags and leaving
1. Swimming
2. Track and Filed
3. Volleyball
4. Boxing
5. Bike Riding
6. Gymnastics
7. Hokey
10. Basketball
12.  Shooting
13. Tennis
14. Ping-Pong
15. Relay
16. Westling
17. Weight lifting

3. Rebus: A Device that uses pictures that shows or part of words

1. I Love You
2. My Dear child I received your letter of tuesday and glad you got back home well. i have sent the length to Mrs. Sothy I am glad to hear the dancers goton so well. Give my love.
                                                     iveman your old loving farther, Oscar Brayon

Wednesday, February 4, 2015

American Flag

The stars stands for heavens and the divine goal. Red, White, and Blue does not have a meaning. but the stripes stands for the thirteen British colonies that declared independence from the Kingdom of Great Britain and became the first states in the union.

Research each Symbol

1. Tent, okay to camp out
3. School
4. Restroom
5. Parking
6. Hotels
7. Restaurant
8. Handicap
9. Service
11. Phone
12. Camping
15. Surfing
16. Boating
17. Water Taxi
18. Swimming
19. Fishing
20. Caneing
21. Sking
24. Snowboarding
25. Skating
26. Police Horse
27. Horsing
28. Bike Riding
29. Metro
30. Bus
31. Car
32. Motorcycle
33. Car Oil
34. Gas
35. Plane
36. Water
37. Messaging
38. Aid
39. Hospital
40. Wi-Fi
41. Golfing
42. Fire Place
43. Throwing away Trash
44. Recycle
45. Walking a Dog or Leash
46. House
47. Trailer
48. Storage Bean

Monday, February 2, 2015

1. Alphabet- basic symbols      

2. Street Sign-to show you where you are    

3. Constellation- star patterns in certain ares

4. ASCII symbols- HTML patterns and symbols

5. Electronic symbols- these symbols are for drawing schematic diagram

6. Morse Code- giving text information with lights to catch your attention

7. American Sign Language- a second language for those who are deaf used with hands

8. Glyph-a purpose for writing something unique

9. Advertisement- announcing something thru Tv